1.3 MHz 31MHz Antenna Analyzer circuit based on Pic16f873a microcontroller is able to measure between the frequencies of 1.3 MHz 31MHz 2 x 16 lcd on the frequency, omaj, swr, etc displays the information....Electronics Projects,Β Antenna Analyzer Circuit 31mhz 1.3MHz PIC16F873Β βmicrochip projects, microcontroller projects,Β β
1.3 MHz 31MHz Antenna Analyzer circuit based on Pic16f873a microcontroller is able to measure between the frequencies of 1.3 MHz 31MHz 2 x 16 lcd on the frequency, omaj, swr, etc displays the information. Antenna Specifications of C source code and pcb, schema, etc. have the drawings.
Source:Β ANTENNA ANALYZER CIRCUIT 31MHZ 1.3MHZ PIC16F873Β alternativeΒ antenna-analyzer-circuit-31mhz-1-3mhz-pic16f873.rar