
Serial Data Received from PC and Displayed on 16x2 Using USART of Pic16f877 Microcontroller

Serial Data Received from PC and Displayed on 16×2 Using USART of Pic16f877 Microcontroller

Here is a simple tutorial on how to receive serial data from PC(Personal Computer) Hyperterminal and display it on 16×2 lcd using PIC16f877 microcontroller. Its not much difficult you just need to know how to use USART(Universal Syncronous-Asyncronous receiver transmitter) of PIC 16f877. Serial data is transmitted and recived by PC using DB-9 OR DB-25 […]

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Two Channel PC Based Oscilloscope USB

Two-Channel PC Based Oscilloscope USB

Inroduction More and more experimentsΒ are now β€˜PC-assisted.’ AlsoΒ conventional acquisition systemsΒ are very expensive. Since portable Β PCs are today common and a USB linkΒ is a better solutionhere we present an oscilloscope usingΒ USB port of the PC that operates at upΒ to 10 kHz with Β±16V input voltage. ItΒ has much more improved features thanΒ the PC-based oscilloscopeΒ . The oscilloscopeΒ uses IC

Two-Channel PC Based Oscilloscope USB