Marquee circuit built on the pic16f628 microcontroller circuit 8 X 80 LED matrix used LEDs is being prepared with the source software assembly circuits 74HC595. asm, cod, etc. have proteus isis simulation file. marqueeβ¦Β Electronics Projects,Β Scrolling Text Circuit LED Matrix PIC16F628 74HC595Β βmicrochip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f628 projects,Β β
Marquee circuit built on theΒ pic16f628Β microcontroller circuit 8 X 80 LED matrix used LEDs is being prepared with the source software assembly circuits 74HC595. asm, cod, etc. have proteus isis simulation file. marquee circuit computer with rs232 interface for the despatch of an advanced case of kom port communicates using the terminal program.
LED Marquee PIC16F628Β This unit plays the text on the LED matrix 8 X 80 LEDs, has a memory 128 characters of text, which are loaded from a PC via COM port using Terminal V1.9. The device has all the uppercase and lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet and numbers, and other characters that you can see in the table below. MCU running at 20 MHz and operates the shift registers 74HC595D, that the logic level 1 lights LED matrix rows and decoder full analog controls through 74LS138 amplifying transistor 8-mu columns of all matrices.
Source:Β SCROLLING TEXT CIRCUIT LED MATRIX PIC16F628 74HC595Β alternative link:Β scrolling-text-circuit-led-matrix-pic16f628-74hc595.raralternativeΒ link2