Electronic Antifouling Boat motor propeller parts of the body causing damage to the wood adhesive crustaceans, protozoa, parasites, and so on. who do harmful things such as ultrasonic signals out with a circuitβ¦Β Electronics Projects,Β Electronic Anti fouling Circuit Boats for Savers Ultrasonic PIC12F675β³microchip projects, microcontroller projects,Β β
Electronic Anti foulingΒ Boat motor propeller parts of the body causing damage to the wood adhesive crustaceans, protozoa, parasites, and so on. who do harmful things such as ultrasonic signals out with a circuit ultrasonic mouse repellent circuit as you know π This circuit is designed for boats and power boats adjusted frequency range.
As will be useful to a lot of boat owners with pic ultrasonic signal generation and so on. pic programming dealing with issues such as resource person in a nice
Ultrasonic Anti-fouling of circuit tl499, used 12 volts DC is working with pic12f675 integrated ultra-sonic transducer (Piezzo sonic speaker) can be used to drive ETD29 transformer ETD29 transformer windings used instead probably picture has been described in details.
Software written in assembly language PIC12F675 source. Asm,. Hex codes printed circuit board pcb circuit diagram box has dimensions oscilloscope measurement chart.
Piezzo sonic transducer speaker version β¦ 800V AC 250v circuit voltage is too high in tests, hot-touch-hander transformer output is
Finally, perhaps by changing the frequency of the circuit in homes, gardens of the pests, pests can be used in the ultrasonic fouling circuit π
Source:Β ELECTRONIC ANTI FOULING CIRCUIT BOATS FOR SAVERS ULTRASONIC PIC12F675Β Anti fouling project alternative link:electronic-anti-fouling-boats-for-savers-ultrasonic-pic12f675.rar