
Review Teardown of a cheap GPS Jammer

Review & Teardown of a cheap GPS Jammer

Generally, β€œjammers” β€” which are also commonly called signal blockers, GPS jammers, cell phone jammers, wifi jammers, etc. are radio frequency transmitters that are designed to block, jam, or otherwise interfere with radio communications. A jammer can block radio communications on devices that operates on a given radio frequencies within its range (i.e., within a […]

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Tic Tac TV Remote Jammer

Tic-Tac TV Remote Jammer

That moment you take your eyes off the TV remote for just a second, because of which it falls into the hands of your annoying sibling. Yes, fighting for control over the TV is a daily struggle for many. But the TV Remote Jammer shown in this Instructable, will make everyone else stop dead in

Tic-Tac TV Remote Jammer