This is a 24Γ6 LED matrix control board based on Syst3mX schematics on Instructables. The board is connected on the LED matrix board and an external MCU or Arduino is required to produce the control signals that are feed on GP8.
The circuit is able to drive a 24Γ6 LED matrix using an external MCU or Arduino board. Β The LED matrix columns are connected on JP1, JP2, JP3 and the 6 rows are connected on JP7. There is also the option to connect 2 more rows (total 8 rows) to make a 24Γ8 LED matrix.
The control is done externally applying the signals on JP8 as is shown on the diagramm below:
β GND is the signal ground
β VCC is 5V in reference to GND
β RCK is SC signal of SPI (latch)
β SCK is CLOCK signal of SPI
β SER is DATA dignal of SPI
β CLK is CLOCK signal of 4017
β RES is RESET signal of 4017
Control signals can be easily generated by an Arduino UNO or Duemilanove using some code . You may refer to:
β β general Arduino reference
β β SPI Protocol reference
β Sample Code can be found here
β You can make your own symbols using this EXCEL sheet
β Check how 4017 IC is working:
For more detail: 24Γ6 LED Matrix Control Circuit