Here are the technical specifications:
- LCD resolution: 128 x 64 pixels
- LCD manufacturer: DisplayTech.
- LCD model 1: 64128COG-FA-BC (no backlight)
- LCD model 2: 64128G-FC-BW-3 (white LED backlight)
- On-glass lcd controller KS0713, with 30 pins connector.
- Very low power operation (less than 1mA @3V)
- Fast serial interface (only 8 wires needed)
- Molex miniature connector.
- LCD: dimensions: 56 x 41 mm
- PCB interface: Dimensions: 44 x 18 mm
These two LCD modules can be bought in our online shop. Youβll need the interface described below and a PIC microcontroller to get these LCD modules running.
PIC example Source code (CCS C) , pcb layout and schematics (Eagle) available.Β Last update: March 24, 2007.
PIC software example: routines
ccs routine | example | explanation |
LCD initialization | dt_lcd_init(); | init parameters needed after power on |
Clear screen | dt_lcd_clear_screen(); | resets all pixels, needed after power on |
Cursor position set | dt_lcd_gotoxy(0,5); | goto cursur location x= 0..127 PIXEL COLUMNS // y= 0..7 CHAR. ROWS |
Write text to LCD | printf(dt_lcd_printchar,β DisplayTech LCDβ); | show simple unformatted text |
Downloads: right-click & save as
Interface: Eagle PCB layout: 042 β 004.brdΒ β March 24, 2007.
Β Interface: Eagle Schematics: 042 β 004.schΒ β March 24, 2007.
Β PIC CCS example: source code: 042_v01.zipΒ for 18f452 @ 20MhZ β March 24, 2007.
Β PIC CCS example:Hex file: 042_v01.hexΒ for 18f452 @ 20MhZ β March 24, 2007.
For more detail: Low cost LCD module interface with optional LED backlight using PIC18F452