
Non Contact Body Temperature Meter

Non-Contact Body Temperature Meter

One of the most commonly used medical instruments nowadays is the thermometer. The thermometer is used to monitor or measure the body temperature of a sick person. The idea of creating a thermometer started from a device called thermoscope, a thermometer without a scale. Several inventors developed it until Sir Thomas Allbutt invented the first […]

Non-Contact Body Temperature Meter

12F675 Tutorial 5 A Temperature data logger using PIC EEPROM.

12F675 Tutorial 5 : A Temperature data logger using PIC EEPROM. using pic microcontroller

EEPROM is useful for storing long term data such as data logger information and this PIC microcontroller EEPROM project saves the temperature from an LM35DZ IC to the PIC’s internal long term data storage area.Β  The project follows on from the last project using the virtually the same hardware. It stores temperature readings internally at

12F675 Tutorial 5 : A Temperature data logger using PIC EEPROM. using pic microcontroller Read More Β»

Automatic Temperature Control System using PIC Microcontroller XC8

Automatic Temperature Control System using PIC Microcontroller – XC8

An automatic temperature control system has the ability to monitor and control the temperature of a specified space without human intervention. The primary purpose is to manage the temperature of a given area based on settings by a user of the system. This project uses a PIC microcontroller to automatically control the temperature of an

Automatic Temperature Control System using PIC Microcontroller – XC8 Read More Β»

Temperature compensation delivers from MEMS oscillator

Temperature compensation delivers from MEMS oscillator

The SiT5003 is the most flexible LVCMOS/LVTTL/HCMOS compatible, ultra-stable MEMS VCTCXO (Voltage Controlled, Temperature Compensated Oscillator) solution in the market. This device supports any combination of the following features: frequency (1 – 80MHz), voltage (1.8V, 2.5V-3.3V), stability (Β±0.5PPM), pull range (Β±12.5PPM to Β±50PPM) and 4-pin packages (3225, 5032, 7050). It provides superior shock and vibration

Temperature compensation delivers from MEMS oscillator