
RFID Based Attendance System Circuit Working Source Code

RFID Based Attendance System – Circuit, Working, Source Code

Attendance in colleges is generally paper based which may sometimes cause errors. Taking attendance manually consumes more time. So the proposed attendance system uses RFID technology to take attendance. In this system, each student is issued an RFID tag. Controlling unit is in the institute. Whenever the card is placed near the reader, it will […]

RFID Based Attendance System – Circuit, Working, Source Code Read More Β»

Password Based Circuit Breaker using PIC Microcontroller with C code

Password Based Circuit Breaker using PIC Microcontroller with C code

Here i am going to explain you a simple Password based circuit Breaker Project using PIC Microcontroller. This project is much similar to my previous one, β€œPassword Based Door Locking System”. Circuit breakers are electromechanical devices used in the power system to connect or disconnect the power flow at the generator, substation, or load location.

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PIC16F84A LCD interfacing 4bit mode

PIC16F84A LCD interfacing code (In 4bit mode) and Proteus simulation

This post provides the LCD[1]Β interfacing codeΒ inΒ 4bit modeΒ using PIC16F84AΒ microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads‘Β section at the bottom of this page. It is assumed that you know how to make an LED blink with PIC16F84AΒ microcontroller. If you don’t then please readΒ this

PIC16F84A LCD interfacing code (In 4bit mode) and Proteus simulation Read More Β»

PIC16F84 Based Morse Code Reader Schematic

PIC16F84 Based Morse Code Reader

So you want to become a HAM, or you’ve got one of those no-code licences, but like me feel somewhat lacking,… not having obtaining that age old badge of proficiency that differientiated the HAM from other radio operators. However, like thousands and thousands of others, you have trouble learning the code. The problem for most

PIC16F84 Based Morse Code Reader