
Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor with PIC Microcontroller1

Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor with PIC Microcontroller.

The are many cool sensors available now a days, ranging from IR distance sensor modules, accelerometers, humidity sensors, temperature sensors and many many more(gas sensors, alcohol sensor, motion sensors, touch screens). Many of these are analog in nature. That means they give a voltage output that varies directly (and linearly) with the sensed quantity. For […]

Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor with PIC Microcontroller.

Digital Thermometer using LM35 and PIC microcontroller

Digital Thermometer using LM35 and PIC Microcontroller

In this tutorial, we are making aΒ Digital Thermometer using PIC microcontroller and LM35Β Temperature Sensor. In this project, we will sense the temperature using LM35 and display it onΒ 16×2 LCD. LM35 Temperature Sensor is accurate and cheaper and doesn’t require any external calibration. The output voltage is proportional to Celsius temperature scale and changes by 10mV

Digital Thermometer using LM35 and PIC Microcontroller

Temperature sensor using PIC16F877A microcontroller

Temperature sensor using PIC16F877A microcontroller

In this tutorial, we are making aΒ Digital Thermometer using PIC microcontroller and LM35Β Temperature Sensor. In this project, we will sense the temperature using LM35 and display it onΒ 16×2 LCD. LM35 Temperature Sensor is accurate and cheaper and doesn’t require any external calibration. The output voltage is proportional to Celsius temperature scale and changes by 10mV

Temperature sensor using PIC16F877A microcontroller

Digital Thermometer using PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor

Digital Thermometer using PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor

Thermometer can be easily constructed using a PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor. LM35 series is a low cost and precision Integrated Circuit Temperature Sensor whose output voltage is proportional toΒ Centigrade temperature scale. Thus LM35 has an advantage over other temperature sensorsΒ calibratedΒ in Kelvin as the users don’t require subtraction of large constant voltage to obtain

Digital Thermometer using PIC Microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor Read More Β»