The character LCDs are the most commonly used display modules. These LCDs are used to display text using alphanumeric and special characters of font 5×7/5×10. For basic working and operations of a character LCD, refer LCD interfacing with 8051. Here PIC18F4550 has been used to display a single character on a 16×2 character LCD.
For basic details and operations of character LCD, refer LCD interfacing with 8051. Here LCD has been interfaced in 8-bit mode* with data pins (D0-D7) connected to PortB of PIC18F4550. The LCD control pins RS, R/W and EN are connected to PortA pins RA0, RA1 and RA2 respectively.
Project Source Code
// Program to interface 16×2 LCD and display single character using PIC18F4550 Microcontroller
// Configuration bits
/* _CPUDIV_OSC1_PLL2_1L, // Divide clock by 2
_FOSC_HS_1H, // Select High Speed (HS) oscillator
_WDT_OFF_2H, // Watchdog Timer off
MCLRE_ON_3H // Master Clear on
//LCD Control pins
#define rs LATA.F0
#define rw LATA.F1
#define en LATA.F2
//LCD Data pins
#define lcdport LATB
void lcd_ini();
void lcdcmd(unsigned char);
void lcddata(unsigned char);
unsigned int i=0;
void main(void)
TRISA=0; // Configure Port A as output port
TRISB=0; // Configure Port B as output port
lcd_ini(); // LCD initialization
lcddata(‘E’); // Print ‘E’
lcdcmd(0x85); // Position 1st Line, 6th Column
lcddata(‘G’); // Print ‘G’
void lcd_ini()
lcdcmd(0x38); // Configure the LCD in 8-bit mode, 2 line and 5×7 font
lcdcmd(0x0C); // Display On and Cursor Off
lcdcmd(0x01); // Clear display screen
lcdcmd(0x06); // Increment cursor
lcdcmd(0x80); // Set cursor position to 1st line, 1st column
void lcdcmd(unsigned char cmdout)
lcdport=cmdout; //Send command to lcdport=PORTB
void lcddata(unsigned char dataout)
lcdport=dataout; //Send data to lcdport=PORTB
Circuit Diagrams
Project Components
Project Video
Source: How to interface LCD with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller