The PIC18f4550 microprocessor based pong game PIC18f4550 The first player to reach 20 points in the Pong Game wins the fireworks animation with leds. The PIC18f4550 works at 8MHz, the display is made upā¦Electronics Projects,Ā 4 Player Pong Game PIC18f4550Ā āmicrochip projects, microcontroller projects,Ā ā
TheĀ PIC18f4550Ā microprocessor basedĀ pong gameĀ PIC18f4550 The first player to reach 20 points in the Pong Game wins the fireworks animation with leds.
The PIC18f4550 works at 8MHz, the display is made up of 900 LEDs arranged in 30Ć30 size matrise, and besides table preparation, the most demanding part will be 900 strings and soldering.
Game circuitĀ ULN2803 and 74373 integrations are used in theĀ LED driverĀ section. The player selection is controlled by the start buttons.
It is said that the PIC18f4550 game circuit power supply uses 4 pieces of 2500mAh rechargeable battery and it is based on 2 hours of playing every day for half an hour
PIC18f4550 game projectĀ software has source code and hex, pcb, gerber files prepared with swordfish basic,
source:Ā 4 PLAYER PONG GAME PIC18F4550
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