About: Ibrar Ayyub

Author Bio: I am an experienced technical writer with a background in computer science. I hold a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan University, one of the most reputable universities in Pakistan for computer science education. With my advanced degree and extensive experience in the field, I have a deep understanding of various computer science concepts and technologies. In addition to my expertise in computer science, I have a diverse range of experience in technical writing. I have written for various industries, covering a wide range of topics, including engineering, home automation, and more. My ability to communicate complex technical information in a clear and concise manner has made me a valuable asset to many organizations. My writing style is characterized by its clarity and simplicity. I am able to break down complex concepts and explain them in a way that is easy to understand for readers with different levels of technical knowledge. I am also skilled in using various forms of media, such as infographics and diagrams, to make my writing more engaging and interactive. I have a special interest and expertise in home automation and engineering; I have written several articles and research papers on the topic and am well known in the field. My writing on home automation and engineering is informative, accurate, and reliable, providing valuable insights on the latest technologies and trends in the field. Overall, I am an experienced technical writer who can provide valuable insights and information for various fields of life, mainly home automation and engineering. I have the qualifications and experience to write about a wide range of topics, and my writing style is clear, simple, and engaging. I am an asset to any organization that requires technical writing services.
Upwork: upwork.com/freelancers/~0195c6d2cf6594198f
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Posts by Ibrar Ayyub:

50W Power Amplifier with LM3886

Posted on: 29 Jun 2016

Description This is my second encounter with LM3886. I was pleased of the sound this chip produced the first time, so I decided to make another amplifier with it. The schematic is based on the schematic in the datasheet of the chip with minor changes. I removed the time delay capacitor connected to MUTE pin, […]


Posted on: 29 Jun 2016

This is an Instructable showing you how to integrate Twitter in your embedded application. Watch this Instructable in Action http://www.instructables.com/id/PIC-KICK-TWEET-1/ Working: A desktop application is created with ease for grabbing the latest tweet from your twitter account. The application then forwards the tweet to the serial port to which the embedded device is connected. A firmware […]

Arduino Dust Sensor

Posted on: 29 Jun 2016

Put together a Arduino-based dust sensor over the weekend using the following components: Arduino Mega 2560 Shinyei PPD42NS dust sensor LCD Shield (16 x 2) The codes and wiring instructions for Arduino Mega 2560 and Shinyei PPD42NS is as follow. However, I did include Serial output so you can view the sampling results using Arduino […]

Power Management Solutions: Battery Chargers

Posted on: 29 Jun 2016

The huge increase of portable devices during the last 10-15 years has lead to numerous companies seeking (and succeeding) to make significant profits in this market. Many consumer applications are now powered by accumulators, ranging from the omnipresent cellular phones to media players, handheld gaming devices, and navigation systems (that is to name only a […]

Electronic skin can sense the direction in which it’s being touched

Posted on: 29 Jun 2016

We’ve already seen artificial skin capable of sensing touch and prosthetics that sense texture, but now a group of Korean scientists has come up with a stretchable electronic skin that “feels” in three dimensions. The artificial skin is made from arrays of microscopic domes that interlock and deform when pressed. It can detect the intensity, […]

Microchip PIC16F877 Microcontroller using pic-microcontroller

Posted on: 28 Jun 2016

Table of Contents   Introduction 1 What is a Microcontroller? 2 Why are Microcontrollers used? 2 Getting started 1 Parts list and vendors 2 Connecting the equipment 3 PIC16fF877 Microcontroller 1 Flash PIC development board 2 CCS PIC-C compiler 3 In Circuit Debugger/Programmer (ICD-S) 4 Embedded C Programming and the Microchip PIC 4 Experiments on […]

USB Reprogrammable iButton door lock

Posted on: 28 Jun 2016

iButtons are small button like casings that communicate with only 2 wires. They are incredibly robust and all have a unique serial number which is hardware written into the device and never repeated. They are cheap (about 1 Pound / 1,50 Euro/ $2) This serial number allows the keys to be truly unique and thus […]

1A from the sugar cube sized module

Posted on: 28 Jun 2016

he TSR1SM series models of step-down switching regulators (non isolating – POL) have a high efficiency up to 96 % which allows full load operation up to +65°C ambient temperature without the need of any heat transmission layer. Excellent output voltage accuracy (±2%) and low standby current (~1 ÎŒA) are features that distinguish these switching […]

Protect Your MCU Design from Copying and Reverse Engineering

Posted on: 28 Jun 2016

MCUs are used as the main control element in just about every application imaginable. Their power and flexibility make them the go-to component at the heart of most designs. Since it is important to make sure that your design cannot be easily copied, reverse engineered or tampered with, modern MCUs now provide a few different […]

MĂ€dchen Machen Technik using pic-microcontroller

Posted on: 27 Jun 2016

The “MĂ€dchen Machen Technik” workshop is designed to give high school students an introduction to microcontrollers. The students will build a flashing light pattern and/or a counter-timer. In the process of building this project, the students will learn about microcontrollers and digital electronics. Here is the parts list for the projects. Introduction to some circuit […]