Based on previously prepared with CCS C Is a shared application software (Pic18f2455 PIC Tengu-speaking Robot CCS C) this application according to him is a good example of resource for more advanced pic24 series… Electronics Projects, Talking Robot Project Microchip PIC24F16KA102 “microchip projects, microcontroller projects, “
Based on previously prepared with CCS C Is a shared application software (Pic18f2455 PIC Tengu-speaking Robot CCS C) this application according to him is a good example of resource for more advanced pic24 series c other codes are also a separate beauty paylaşımlasıda sprint layout with pcb and schematic drawing on a circuit with there SEF that sounds in the environment thanks to the display shows as the Micron children imitating the conversation.
Source: TALKING ROBOT PROJECT MICROCHIP PIC24F16KA102 alternative link: talking-robot-project-microchip-pic24f16ka102.rar