Industrial motherboards are the main controlling board for industrial computers that are used as a front-end to another control computer in a distributed processing environment. Industrial PCs have a small form factor, are highly dependable and precise. Industrial motherboards are the main PCBs controlling those PCs. They come in a wide range of form factors, including Nano ITX, Mini ITX, Micro ATX, and ATX motherboards. Due to their compactness, they are ideal for powering applications for kiosks, POS (Point Of Sale) systems, digital displays, vending machines, ATM banking machines, medical equipment, and gaming. They can also be employed for providing platforms for industrial, AI, and edge computing.
These motherboards are required to work in harsh and rugged environments reliably and consistently. Moreover, they must be expandable and have a long lifetime. BCM Advanced Research is going to release their new ECM-3455J industrial motherboard with a micro form factor. It is an Intel Celeron J3455 processor-based 3.5” SBC Micro Module.
Features of the industrial motherboard:
- Intel® Celeron J3455 Quad Core SoC Processor 1.5 GHz up to 2.3GHz max
- 1 x SoDIMM DDR3L 1600MHz up to 8GB
- 32GB eMMC Onboard
- Supports Dual Display: HDMI, LVDS
- Supports Dual LAN
- 1 x M.2, 1 x mini-PCIe with mSATA support & uSIM
- TPM 2.0 to provide hardware-based, security-related functions
- HDMI, 18/24-bit LVDS
- 4 x USB 3.0, 4 x USB 2.0
- 2 x COM
- I²C, SMBus, GPIO
- 2 x Gigabit LAN
- Fanless Operation with Heatspreader
- 9V-36V Wide Range DC-In
The motherboard features an Intel Celeron J3455 Quad-Core SoC Processor that has 1.5GHz of Base Frequency and 2.3GHz Burst Frequency. It is a low-power SoC processor with integrated Intel® HD Graphics 500. When running at base frequency, it dissipates a TDP power of 10W. There is a 32GB eMMC (embedded multimedia card) for convenience in an industrial environment. The ECM-3455J supports many cellular/WiFi/Bluetooth communication friendly I/O interfaces, including M.2, mini-PCIe with SATA, uSIM support, I²C, SMBus, plus two Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports, and TPM 2.0 for hardware-based security.