
Chord Button Keyboard Shift Bar1

MIDI Chord Button Keyboard Using PIC18F4620 part 3

Connections The following table documents the connecting leads and molex pin-header numbers tying the various interfaces together. Header Pin no. Signal/Function Direction Header Pin no. Signal/Function Chord Controller-SV1 1 RD7 β€”β€”> Matrix Decoder-SV4 1 Chord Sel. C Chord Controller-SV1 2 RD6 β€”β€”> Matrix Decoder-SV4 2 Chord Sel. B Chord Controller-SV1 3 RD5 β€”β€”> Matrix Decoder-SV4 […]

MIDI Chord Button Keyboard Using PIC18F4620 part 3 Read More Β»

PAL Video Library

PIC PAL Video Library using pic18f4620

If you are intoΒ PICs, you maybe tried one day or another to build a software video processor, either for fun or for a project. If you tried to generate video signals, you surely know some of this web pages : Rickard Gunees PIC PONG page : http://www.rickard.gunee.com/projects/ Eric Smith video clock : http://www.brouhaha.com/~eric/pic/pictock.html This projects

PIC PAL Video Library using pic18f4620