
Mini project board

Mini project board for PIC12F series microcontrollers

The 12F series of PIC microcontrollers are handy little 8-pin devices designed for small embedded applications that do not require too many I/O resources, and where small size is advantageous. These applications include a wide range of everyday products such as hair dryers, electric toothbrushes, rice cookers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, and blenders. Despite their […]

Mini project board for PIC12F series microcontrollers


PIC and EEPROM Programmer

Project Summary In this project we are building a JDM programmer that can handle PIC12, PIC16 and PIC18 family microcontrollers and some popular 24C family EEPROMs. The programmer also provides ICSP feature that allows In-Circuit Serial Programming. So if you desire, you will not have to carry your MCU each time when you reprogram it.

PIC and EEPROM Programmer

PIC12F Board V1.0

Revised version of the PIC12F microcontrollers breakout board

The 12F series of PIC microcontrollers are handy little 8-pin devices designed for small embedded applications that do not require too many I/O resources, and where small size is advantageous. These applications include a wide range of everyday products such as hair dryers, electric toothbrushes, rice cookers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, and blenders. Despite their

Revised version of the PIC12F microcontrollers breakout board Read More Β»

pickit 3 supported devices

pickit 3 supported devices

Supported Devices To read complete introduction and pinout of pickit 3 refer to its introduction.Refer to MPLAB IDE v8.76, the following devices are supported: PIC10F PIC10F200, PIC10F202, PIC10F204, PIC10F206, PIC10F220, PIC10F222 PIC12F PIC12F508, PIC12F509, PIC12F510, PIC12F519, PIC12F609, PIC12HV609, PIC12F615, PIC12FHV615PIC12F629, PIC12F635, PIC12F675, PIC12F683 PIC16F PIC16F505,PIC16F506,PIC16F526,PIC16F54,PIC16F57,PIC16F59, PIC16F610,PIC16FHV610,PIC16F616, PIC16FHV616PIC16F627, PIC16F628, PIC16F627A, PIC16F628A, PIC16F648A, PIC16F630, PIC16F631, PIC16F636,PIC16F639,PIC16F676, PIC16F677,PIC16F684,

pickit 3 supported devices


PIC12F microcontroller project board

The 12F series of PIC microcontrollers are handy little 8-pin devices designed for small embedded applications that do not require too many I/O resources, and where small size is advantageous. These applications include a wide range of everyday products such as hair dryers, electric toothbrushes, rice cookers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, and blenders. Despite their

PIC12F microcontroller project board