A PCB with firmware to exploit and test all the functions in this PIC microcontroller. The board features a LCD, keyboard, piezo sounder, Real Time Clock with backup power, I2C bus, potmeter for A/D… Electronics Projects, PIC Development Boards PIC16F84 PIC16F873 “avr development board, pic development board, pic16f84 projects, “
A PCB with firmware to exploit and test all the functions in this PIC microcontroller. The board features a LCD, keyboard, piezo sounder, Real Time Clock with backup power, I2C bus, potmeter for A/D conversion and more. I use Shane Tolmie’s exellent PIC Bootloader solution to download software into the microcontroller. PIC Development Boards PCB
A simple demo and development board for the PIC 16C84 and 16F84. It features a keyboard and a 4-digit LED display. The demo software feature a clock with calculator. I didn’t make the PCB and thus only have a schematic for the board.
Source: privat.bluezone.no PIC Development Boards PCB schematic alternative link: pic-development-boards-pic16f84-pic16f873.rar alternative link2