
current sensor

A brief overview of Allegro ACS712 current sensor using PIC16F1847 (Part 1)

Sensing and controlling current flow is a fundamental requirement in a wide variety of applications including, over-current protection circuits, battery chargers, switching mode power supplies, digital watt meters, programmable current sources, etc. One of the simplest techniques of sensing current is to place a small value resistance (also known as Shunt resistor) in between the

A brief overview of Allegro ACS712 current sensor using PIC16F1847 (Part 1) Read More »

Programmable relay switch using PIC MCU revised version

Programmable relay switch using PIC MCU (revised version)

Programmable relays are key elements in numerous automation applications such as automatic street light control, watering and pump control, HVAC, home automation, power plants automation in industries, etc. This article describes a DIY programmable relay switch using PIC16F1847 (PIC16F628A can also be used) microcontroller. It is a revised version of my previous PIC-based relay timer project with added

Programmable relay switch using PIC MCU (revised version) Read More »

PIC16F1827 Board

Experimenter’s board for enhanced mid-range PIC microcontrollers (PIC16F1827 and PIC16F1847)

The PIC16F628A has always been my first choice for microcontroller-based projects. It is simple, inexpensive, and easily available. Due to its compact size (18 pins) it occupies lesser space on the circuit board, and meanwhile, it is powerful enough to serve most of a hobbyist’s needs. It is a very well accepted successor of the

Experimenter’s board for enhanced mid-range PIC microcontrollers (PIC16F1827 and PIC16F1847) Read More »