
100MHz frequency counter with PIC16F628A – LCD Display

100MHz frequency counter with PIC16F628A – LCD Display

This project shows how to build a very simple yet very useful tool that every DIY enthusiast should have in his lab: a 100MHz+ frequency counter. The schematic is fairly simple and straightforward and uses a PIC16F628A microcontroller for measuring frequency and a high speed comparator for signal amplification and conditioning. The microcontroller uses its internal 4MHz

100MHz frequency counter with PIC16F628A – LCD Display Read More »

LCD Module

Low cost LCD module interface with optional LED backlight using PIC18F452

Here are the technical specifications: LCD resolution: 128 x 64 pixels LCD manufacturer: DisplayTech. LCD model 1: 64128COG-FA-BC (no backlight) LCD model 2: 64128G-FC-BW-3 (white LED backlight) On-glass lcd controller KS0713, with 30 pins connector. Very low power operation (less than 1mA @3V) Fast serial interface (only 8 wires needed) Molex miniature connector. LCD: dimensions:

Low cost LCD module interface with optional LED backlight using PIC18F452 Read More »

LED Test Tool with LCD Display

LED Test Tool with LCD Display

Most projects include at least one LED. Before soldering the LED, how can you determine if the color and brightness meets your needs? After that, how do you calculate the correct value resistor? Many years ago, I built a handy compact LED testing tool based on the LM317L adjustable current regulator. (You’ll definitely want to

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Build your own 2 Wire LCD Interface using the PIC16C84 microcontroller

Build your own “2-Wire LCD Interface” using the PIC16C84 microcontroller

2-Wire LCD Interface for the PICMicro Alphanumeric LCD displays have become very popular for microcontroller applications because they can add a lot to a project in a variety of different ways. A text message giving the user instructions as well as feedback can make the application seem much more “professional” and easy to use. I

Build your own “2-Wire LCD Interface” using the PIC16C84 microcontroller Read More »