Prototyping with Microcontrollers, Sensors, and MaterialsPrototyping Prototyping involves the creation of an initial model of a product to conduct testing. Whether the product is intended for consumers, government entities, or businesses, it typically starts as…
Interfacing Temperature Sensor with Microchip PIC16F876AThe tutorial aims at providing the necessary information for interfacing an analog type temperature sensor with a Microchip PIC Microcontroller. PIC (Peripheral Interface Controllers) was introduced in 1985. The PIC16F876A…
EnvStick USB Temperature Sensor using PIC12F683The EnvStick is cheap, homemade temperature sensor that plugs into a USB port. It provides a simple way to collect a room’s ambient temperature. I made it for fun. EnvStick…
Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor with PIC Microcontroller.The are many cool sensors available now a days, ranging from IR distance sensor modules, accelerometers, humidity sensors, temperature sensors and many many more(gas sensors, alcohol sensor, motion sensors, touch…
Digital Barometer using PIC Microcontroller and MPX4115A Pressure Sensor – XC8The Motorola MPX4115A is an atmospheric pressure sensor powered by 5V and delivers and output from ~0.25V to ~4.75V based on the pressure detected at room temperature (25°C). The device…