Wireless Radio Frequency Module Using PIC Microcontroller It's a Microcontroller Based DIY Electronics Project. Named Wireless RF Module Using PIC Microcontroller. The RF module is a small electronic circuit used to transmit, receive, or transceive radio waves…
PIC16F84 Based Morse Code Reader So you want to become a HAM, or you've got one of those no-code licences, but like me feel somewhat lacking,... not having obtaining that age old badge of proficiency…
1Hz – 2MHz Function Generator with XR2206 using pic microcontoller 1Hz - 2MHz Function Generator with XR2206 Component List: XR2206 - Function Generator IC Function Generator PCB RCA Gold Plated Connector SW1 - 4-DIP Switch SW2 β (Sine / Triangle)…
BA1404 HI-FI Stereo FM Transmitter 88 – 108 MHz usnig pic microcontoller BA1404 Stereo FM Transmitter Components: BA1404 IC 38KHz Crystal L1 - 3.5 Turns Variable Coil 1x PCB 1x 38KHz Crystal Oscillator 1x DIP-18 IC Socket 1x 3.5T Variable Precision RF…
XBee radio communication between PICs using pic-microcontroller Overview Typically, two pics communicate by RS-232, a wired transmission. However, it may be desirable to communicate via a wireless link. This wiki page demonstrates using XBee radio modems which…