current sensor

Allegro current sensor

A brief overview of Allegro ACS712 current sensor using PIC16F1847 (Part 2)

In the first part of this discussion, the features of ACS712 device were briefly discussed. Now we will use that theory to implement the ACS712 sensor to make a simple DC current meter. The analog output voltage from the sensor is measured through an ADC channel of the PIC16F1847 microcontroller. A voltage to current conversion […]

A brief overview of Allegro ACS712 current sensor using PIC16F1847 (Part 2) Read More »

current sensor

A brief overview of Allegro ACS712 current sensor using PIC16F1847 (Part 1)

Sensing and controlling current flow is a fundamental requirement in a wide variety of applications including, over-current protection circuits, battery chargers, switching mode power supplies, digital watt meters, programmable current sources, etc. One of the simplest techniques of sensing current is to place a small value resistance (also known as Shunt resistor) in between the

A brief overview of Allegro ACS712 current sensor using PIC16F1847 (Part 1) Read More »