PIC32 microcontroller based Projects List of PDF

PIC32 microcontroller based Projects List:

PIC32 microcontroller based Projects List Building on the heritage of Microchip Technology’s world-leading 8- and 16-bit. PIC microcontrollers, the PIC32 family delivers 32-bit performance and more.

PIC32 microcontroller based Projects List

Most of the electronics geeks are asking the whole list of pic projects PDF here we will share list every month as our projects are being updated on daily basis. PDF is a good source to work offline. We will offer direct PDF file download link with info of its release date , number of projects.

List No. PDF Download Link Number of Projects Number of Projects
1 Click hereĀ PIC32 microcontroller based Projects List of PDF Downloadable 08 Sep 2022 113
2 Click hereĀ PIC32 microcontroller based Projects List of PDF Downloadable 04 June 2018 40
  1. Programming HID Bootloader on PIC32
    The bootloader enables program installation on the PIC32 without relying on an external programmer such as an ICD2, and it operates without the need for any drivers on the computer.…
  2. Maximizing Wi-Fi Capabilities with the Explorer 16 Development Board
    As society progresses, the necessity for wireless communication is evolving from a mere luxury to an essential requirement. Wi-Fi, extending beyond conventional internet communication, finds myriad applications. This guide delineates…
  3. chipKIT Tutorial 2: Serial communication with PC
    The PIC32 processor on the chipKIT Uno32 board provides two hardware serial ports. One of these is used by the on-board FTDI chip to create an USB-UART interface that allows…
  4. What is Chipkit Development Board?
    In order to understand the chipKIT platform, it is important to talk about Arduino first. Arduino is an easy-to-use and powerful open source environment for developing microcontroller based applications.Chipkit Development…
  5. chipKIT Tutorial 3: Analog-to-digital conversion
      [caption id="attachment_12035" align="alignnone" width="570"] Analog-to-digital conversion[/caption] Theory Many embedded applications deal with physical variables such as motion, temperature, pressure, relative humidity, light intensity, and sound. A microcontroller cannot directly…
  6. Remotely Controlled Microcontroller From a Browser
    Interface with a microcontroller from a web browser, using HTTPS and a simple Python server. Story I love microcontrollers. I also love controlling hardware remotely, say, from another room of…
  7. Build a DIY Smart Watch Using Microcontroller
    Introduction Wearables (Smart Watch) are becoming increasingly more prevalent in today's markets; however cost continues to limit the demand for such devices. My project aimed at producing a smartwatch with…
  8. Instrument-Based Color Sonification with the PIC32
    Sonification We created a system that can "see" colors in the environment and translate that data to interesting, fun musical instrument beats and patterns. Overview of the concept Sonification is…
  9. Top PIC Microcontroller Projects with Embedded C Programming
    Peripheral Interface controller (PIC) family is one of the most powerful advanced microcontroller which is developed by the microchip technology with Harvard architecture, i.e., it has a minimum set of…
  10. ā€‹Bluetooth Controlled- Obstacle Avoidance Robot Car Using PIC32 Microcontroller
    "Robot-Car: Design Fused with Obstacle Avoidance Technology" Recently, there is an intensive research undertaken in the field of intelligence robotics and autonomous mobile robot applications. Through the this project we…
  11. Lazer Duel
    For our ECE 4760 final project, we designed and built aĀ Lazer Duel game systemĀ involving twoĀ gunsĀ and aĀ base stationĀ commucating over ultra low power RF tranceivers.Ā We can shoot and detect shooting useing an…
  12. Blimp-F-O is a remote-controlled flying machine designed with a PIC32 microprocessor.
    Introduction Flying drones have a wide range of applications and are becoming more and more popular. With that in mind, we decided to construct a balloon copter capable of fluid…
  13. Speech Recognition Eye Test
    For our final project we implemented a speech recognition eye test that is capable of performing the entire Snellen eye test on its own. It starts by displaying large letters…
  14. Interactive Blitz Chess: A Physical Blitz Chess Board Powered with PIC32
    Introduction We created a companion system for physical chess boards to help players enjoy their fast paced blitz game with a chess clock, a visual board to keep track of…
  15. Hand Sign Lock
    Introduction Security using technology is a growing and expanding field to protect against the user's identity or property. As more advanced tools are developed, security has begun to expand to…
  16. Barcode Scanner
    Introduction In our final project, we used CMOS camera to identify interval binary 0 and 1 sequence represented by black and white bars. Then, we used WIFI module to transmit…
  17. Wake-U-Up System
    This project is aimed to design a ā€˜Sleep and Wake-up Assistantā€™. Different from a normal alarm clocks which can only make noise, this alarm clock is designed to wake up…
  18. Clicker Clone
    This project aims to implement a protocol-compatible iClicker substitute to provide students with a cheaper alternative to in-class polling while allowing the university to keep its existing investment. High Level…
  19. Digital “Etch A Sketch” Glove
    Introduction For our ECE 4760 final project, we designed, constructed, and tested a glove-operated system that dynamically simulates the classic toy, Etch A Sketch, on a TFT LCD screen. In…
  20. Keyboard Gloves
    Introduction We created gloves that allow users to type on any hard surface as if they were using a QWERTY keyboard. The gloves recognize the standard QWERTY keyboard layout by…
  21. GPS Navigator for Runners
    The basic idea of this 4760 final project is to build a GPS navigator for runners who are new to their neighborhood. For example, if someone is new to Cornell…
  22. Automatic Signal Transformer and Custom Filter Designer
    This laboratory aims to implement a custom filter designer on the PIC32 microcontroller for the purpose of real time signal transformation. The project gets its premise out of the frequent…
  23. EMG Signal Controlled Game
    The idea of this project is to design and implement two channels EMG signal controlled video game. The player controlls the motion of the ball to the left or to…
  24. 3-D Game on LED Cube with PIC32 Microcontroller
    Introduction: Bringing games played on 2-dimensional screens into 3-dimensional space. When games are played on flat 2-dimensional screen, it greatly limits the player's interaction with the game. It simply kills…
  25. Robotic Candy Sorter
    Introduction Many embedded systems leverage a hierarchical structure in their product architecture for a more robust and efficient product. The more complex the product becomes, it is more preferable to…
  26. ParkBot: The Autonomous Parallel Parking Car
    Abstract Parallel parking is often the most difficult part of ordinary drivers, and one of the most feared tasks for some. Big cities specifically require great amount of parking skills…
  27. A Programmable Home Automation System
    Introduction The PIC Mesh is a distributed programmable network capable of building motion sensitive alarm systems, automatic lighting, door alarms and various other home automation systems in a matter of…
  28. Green Charger
    Introduction Have you ever gone to the beach on a hot summer day with your family only to complain that your phone is so low on battery that you canā€™t…
    High-Level Design The project can be logical separated into two different components: the glove and the car. The glove is the main way the user will interact with the car.…
  30. Whistle Controlled Light Switch
    Introduction For our final project, we built a whistle controlled light switch. We were motivated by the daily struggle of getting out of bed to turn on/off the light. You…
  31. Electronic Tuner Design
    This project aims to implement an electronic tuner which is able to analyze sound samples and display the notes contained in the sound. It utilizes a PIC32 microcontroller, a microphone…
  32. LAWL-E: The Platform Stabilizer
    Introduction The purpose of this final project is to implement a microcontroller-based platform stabilizer. The major components of the platform stabilizer is an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and two 180…
  33. Breathe-Easy EEG
    Introduction By measuring brain activity using electrodes and an amplifier circuit, electroencephalograms (EEGs) are at the intersection of electrical engineering and neuroscience. By using signal processing techniques, we can examine…
  34. PIC32 Gaming Console w/ Rapid-Developing Engine
    Introduction Our project design is an exquisite PIC32-based gaming console that supports NTSC video output, audio output and takes input from a NES Controller. Also we have fully developed an…
  35. PicBerry Oscilliscope and Function Generator
    Introduction We created an affordable Digital Oscilliscope and Function Generator that is able to plot and produce (at the same time) generated electric signals (voltage) changing over time along a…
  36. Automated Resistor Sorter with GUI
    Introduction Our project is a resistor sorter that allows users to input multiple resistors, measure their resistance, and sort them into predefined bins or return them to the user. For…
  37. EMG Robotic Hand
    Introduction The goal of the project was to create a robotic hand that is controlled by sensing the muscular contractions in the arm of the user and to replicate the…
  38. 3D MOUSE APP
    Introduction We design a wireless 3D mouse to control a music player to change songs and stop and play the song. The 3D mouse responds to all-direction movements as it…
  39. LED Cube with SnakeGo
    Introduction The idea of our final project is to design and implement a PIC32-drived 8x8x8 LED cube with 3-dimensional display. Besides 3D display feature, another major feature of this magical…
  40. Smart-O-Pan ECE4760
    A smart control knob and pan designed for the absent-minded chef! The Smart-O-Pan takes the constant vigilance out of your culinary creations, making cooking bdddoth simple and safe. [caption id="attachment_34026"…
  41. IoT Hand Gesture Video Control
    Introduction In this project, we designed and implemented a system that will utilize light & shadow and relative distance to to recognize the single hand gesture in the air and…
  42. Automated Ice Cream Topper
    Introduction Controlled by a PIC 32, the automated ice cream topper stores individual ice cream topping preferences, outputting the user's ideal solid, liquid, and whip cream topping amount with the…
  43. Audio spectrum analyzer on PIC32 using pic microcontoller
    This simple audio spectrum analyzer is based on PIC32 proto board on PIC32MX360F512L with 320Ɨ240px colour LCD (LVC75Z779 Eval Board).Ā  The analyzer can be connected to unamplified audio source like…
  44. Usbpicprog ā€“ A free and open source USB Microchip PIC programmer (Software and Hardware) for Linux, Windows e MAC
    Usbpicprog is an USB in circuit programmer for Microchip PIC processors family PIC10F, PIC12F, PIC16F, PIC18F, PIC24F, PIC32F and I2C Eeprom 24xx. The hardware is as simple as possible, the…
  45. ECE 4760 Final Project: Motor Dynamometer
    Introduction For our final project we built a dynamometer that measures various performance characteristics of small electric motors, such as torque, rpm and efficiency. The final goal was to be…
  46. Haptic Feedback Weathervane
    Introduction When sailing a boat, one of the most important factors is the direction of the wind. If they want to keep a steady heading, sailors need to be able…
  47. Borkbit: A Wifi-Enabled Smart Collar
    Introduction "A smart, wearable device for your pet." Borkbit is a smart, wearable device for pets that helps owners track their pets from afar. As any pet owner can attest,…
  48. EOG-Controlled Video Game
    Introduction The goal of this project is to develop an electrooculography (EOG) system that can record potentials across a userā€™s eyes, and use the resulting signal to control a simple…
    INTRODUCTION   Sound Bite   A sleep quality meter that uses heartrate, breathing rate, and movement metrics to judge the quality of the user's sleep. The What and the Why…
  50. Infrared Camera on the PIC32
    Introduction The purpose of this project was to create thermal images displayed on the TFT screen of the PIC32 using data inputted through a thermal camera. A thermal image is…
  51. PIC32 Digital Synthesizer
    Introduction Our final project for ECE 4760: Digital Design Using Microcontrollers is a portable keyboard digital synthesizer using the PIC32MX250F128B microcontroller. The PIC creates various sound effects using direct digital…
  52. Programmable IR Station
    Introduction The programmable IR remote controller is an IR remote control platform based on PIC32 that can record and resend the Infrared signal. To help users control programmable IR remote…
  53. Final Report – VGA Video Game
    Introduction Do you ever find yourself lamenting that you live in a warehouse of unused VGA monitors, but donā€™t have any VGA signals to feed to them? Do you ever…
  54. Touch-A-Sketch
    Introduction For our final project, our team built a touch screen controlled Etch-A-Sketch we call Touch-A-Sketch. The Touch-A-Sketch is the first of its kind that allows users to draw on…
  55. Real Time Stock Monitor
    Introduction In this project, we demonstrate a real-time stock monitor that uses the popular ESP8266 Wi-Fi module controlled by a PIC32. We decided to build a fun device that fetches…
  56. Pong Bot
    Rationale The projectā€™s focus is to accurately simulate the movement of a human arm on a small-sized robotic arm, such as aiming and throwing small objects, i.e. a ping pong…
  57. IoT Security Platform
    We developed a WiFi enabled doorway security system accessible from anywhere in the world. One of the motiviations behind this project was derived from the contemporary notion that the concept…
  58. ECE 4760 Final Project: 3d lidar imaging system
    Introduction The goal of this final project was to create a lidar 3d imaging system while on a limited budget. This is a system which takes many distance readings while…
  59. Autonomous Drone
    Introduction The main goal of my project was to add autonomous flight capabilities to a simple drone framework. I have seen many projects in the past which attempt to develop…
  60. Image Plotter
    Introduction Our ECE 4760 final project was an image plotting system with high-level processing done in a MATLAB script we wrote and the low-level control software done on the PIC32MX250F128B…
  61. Blue Hunters: Bluetooth RSSI Locator Robots
    Introduction We built 2 small cars which used Bluetooth Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) measurements to navigate towards a stationary base station. The cars and base station used a Bluetooth…
  62. A recording studio for the PIC32
    Introduction We built a miniature recording studio using the PIC32 that allows the user to record a short soundtrack, play it back, then layer on additional sounds. We chose to…
    INTRODUCTION Our Smart Station hardware consists of a PIC32MX250 microcontroller with a 3.5mm jack for speakers, a TFT display, keypad, NeoPixel LED ring, microphone, and a host of I2C environmental…
  64. Pic32 Oscilloscope
    Introduction For this project, we constructed an oscilloscope using the PIC32. The inspiration for this project came from the oscilloscopes we used in lab throughout the semester. These oscilloscopes allowed…
  65. Rubik’s Cube Solving Robot
    Introduction Our project was creating a rubiks cube solving robot that utilized image processing, Kociemba's algorithm, and servos acting as claws/arms to turn the cube. We had a goal of…
  66. Constellation Glasses
    INTRODUCTION: The Constellation Glasses allow you to find out what you are looking at in the night sky with the click of a button. On one side of the glasses,…
  67. Groovy Times
    IntroductionĀ  Our team being excited by the recent trend towards more active forms of entertainment, such as those provided by motion-control systems and virtual-reality headsets, set out to create a…
  68. The Cell Phone Drone
    The Mission We knew that this would be tough. There's a reason all of the drones you see on sale today have four motors, and that's because they're naturally much…
    INTRODUCTION Sometimes it is difficult to judge the ripeness of fruit visually, or we simply forget about our fruits until they are rotten. By using spectroscopy to monitor the change…
  70. Guitar Hero MMMMDCCLX
    Introduction: We created our own version of Guitar Hero which can play any song that has a MIDI file by using our custom controller and UI.Ā We are big fans of…
  71. Self-Balancing Robot
    Introduction The inverted pendulum is an interesting case in the study of control systems because of its unstable nature. A pendulum is considered inverted when its center of mass is…
  72. The Sound Designer – A Portable Digital Synthesizer
    Introduction For this design project, we built a portable digital synthesizer capable of creating a wide variety of sounds designed by the user. The system consisted of a full octave…
  73. 3-DOF Self-stabilizing Quadcopter Frame or: How We Learned To Stop Trying and Not Build the Drone
    Introduction We created a 3 rotational degree of freedom quadcopter frame. The result was so that when placed on the small surface area of roughly a finger tip, the quadcopter…
  74. Sign Language Learner
    Introduction We designed a device that can aid in learning the alphabet in American Sign Language. We built a glove with various sensors to identify the hand position of the…
  75. Bluetooth Hydration Wearable
    Introduction We developed a wearable hydration monitoring system that will track an individualā€™s hydration levels by measuring the bioimpedance of the skin, that will transmit the data via Bluetooth to…
  76. IOT Home Automation
    For our ECE4760 final project we built a wireless star network with the PIC32 Ā for remote monitoring and automation. Meant to augment users' abilities to gain insight into their homes…
  77. RF Motion Controlled Robot
    Introduction For our final project, we designed and implemented a remote-control car with a user-controlled steering wheel interface. We wanted a user interface that was immediately intuitive and familiar, which…
  78. Robot Car Controlled by Hand Motions
    Introduction: For our final project in ECE 4760: Design with Microcontrollers, we decided to explore the concept of controlling a vehicle with the userā€™s hand orientation relative to the ground.…
  79. Autonomously Hovering Quadcopter
    We designed, constructed and tested an autonomous quadcopter that used an IMU to control its attitude and a radio to transmit data to a controller, which we also built. The…
  81. Twitter Emote Robot
    Introduction Social Media outlets like Twitter and Facebook have become dominating players in the field of human interaction. Indeed many interactions have become mediated by digital technology. We believe the…
  82. Project – VR Sword Defense Video Game
    Introduction In this project, we constructed a virtual reality (VR) video game. The video game uses several peripherals to give the user an immersive gaming experience. This includes providing visual,…
  83. Sound Localization
    INTRODUCTION We constructed a triangular arrangement of microphones to localize the direction an arbitrary sound is coming from. By recording input from the three microphones, we can cross-correlate the recordings…
  84. Electronic Flute
    High-level Design The goal of this project is to create an electronic flute. The musical instruments like keyboards, guitars, etc. have adjustable keys in order to play sounds at different…
    Overview In this project, we create a mesh network of PIC32 microcontrollers connected using ESP8266 wifi modules. The mesh network is able to fully connect itself through a variety of…
  86. Pickit 2 Download & Develop Your own USB pickit ii programmer
      PICkit 2 Introduction: There are many PIC programmer available, commercial and DIY devices. As Microchip introduces the new microprocessors the programming software got to be updated accordingly playing catch-up…
  87. Spectrum Analyser
    Introduction The webpage describes the development of an Audio Spectrum Analyzer based on PIC32 microcontroller with the following features: [embed]https://youtu.be/cuPJKl3xMOE[/embed] Real time speech signal acquisition Spectrum and spectrograph visualization of…
  88. 2-Axis Gesture-Controlled Camera Platform
    Introduction For the ECE 4760 final project, we designed and implemented a 2-axis gesture-controlled platform for DSLR cameras. The platform can actuate a camera based on the orientation of the…
  89. Web Controlled Multifunctional Car
    Introduction In our final project, we have built a multi-functional car controlled by a web application on the PC, which allows users to drive the car as well as play…
  90. Distributed PIC Synthesizer
    Introduction In this project, I have created a musical synthesizer with the ability to generate realistic instrumental sounds and to record songs for playback with harmonization. Controlled by a PIC32…
  91. Happy Little Mixer
    Introduction The Happy Little Mixer is an automatic ink mixer which accepts a hex user input and creates that color by measuring out cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK) ink.…
  92. ECE 4760 Project: Kendo Sword Trainer
    Introduction For our final project, we built a system to aid in practicing kendo sword strikes by providing feedback to a kendo practitioner for improving their form. A set of…
  93. ECE 4760: Latte Art Machine
    Introduction For our final project ECE4760: Microcontrollers, our group created a cappuccino art designer that would automatically pour milk into coffee, while creating the classical latte art design. For this…
  94. Drawing Bot
    1. Introduction For our final project, we designed a drawing robot that can turn any computer image into line drawings. Our drawingbot features a pen that moves up and down,…
  95. Bot Ross
    Introduction Bot Ross is a moderately sized 2-D contour plotter, capable of drawing images with a resolution of roughly 1 mm. The design consists of a pen with degrees of…
  96. AIR BASS
    INTRODUCTION AirBass is an air bass guitar that allows the user to play distinct notes without the added weight and cost of an actual bass guitar. It implements various sensors…
  97. EEG Error Correction Interface
    Introduction Our project was an EEG-controlled brain computer interface that allowed a user to correct errors in machine behavior. The project was modeled as a trial-based ā€œgame.ā€ In each trial,…
  98. The Outlet Nanny
    We designed a power monitor that could communicate with the PIC32 through UART to give both power and current readings for any device(s) (that use NEMA plugs) plugged into our…
  99. Persistence of Vision (POV) Dino Game
    Introduction Our project is a persistence of vision styled dinosaur game. Our team was really intrigued by POV displays and we wanted to explore how POV works. Thatā€™s what led…
  100. DotStar Light Painter
    High Level Design The painting is created by a vertical pole with a flashing one-meter LED strip attached to a cart being pushed by two motors. A user can use…
    We created Skywriter because lightsabers are cool. Although we are fans, we are not passionate about the Star Wars franchise. However, we are passionate about the technology in Star Wars.…
  102. Play Your Cards Right
    Introduction The purpose of this lab is to build a machine that alleviates the process of distributing cards in gameplay with a given set of players in random order. Our…
  103. PIC32 Racing Game
    Introduction Our project is a racing game with human input control that emulates the act of driving a car. We decided on this project, as all three of us greatly…
  104. Traffic Light Intersection Simulator
    Introduction The Traffic Light Intersection Simulator records user input through a touch screen of traffic flow at a four-way intersection for play back. Additionally it is capable of storing and…
  105. A Two-Degree-Of-Freedom Ball Balancing PID Controller
    Introduction In this project, we implemented a two-degree-of-freedom ball balancing platform using a resistive touchscreen, two servo motors, and PID control. We used a PIC32 microcontroller to read position data…
  106. Writing Robot Arm
    Introduction In this project, we built a writing machine using a 4-DOF robot arm. This robot arm is controlled by PIC32 and can write the 26 letters and ten numbers.…
  107. Capacitive Sensing Robot Arm
    Introduction For our final project, we built a 2 axis robot arm with a capacitive sensor on the final member, which will allow the robot to detect a person near…
  108. Single-Supply Portable ECG Monitor
    Introduction The aim of this project was to produce a portable ECG monitor that displays the ECG signal of an Einthoven triangle configuration of electrodes (3 leads). The motivation of…
    Introduction Our ECE 4760 final project is PICBall: a PIC32-powered, old-school pinball machine! When trying to come up with a project that would encompass multiple parts of the class, we…
  110. SmartCube DOLORS
    Introduction DOLORS is a smart lamp that, paired with a Raspberry Pi, is capable of showing live weather information upon request, such as the temperature and sky condition. Additionally, it…
  111. TFTanks
    Introduction TFTanks is a two player game in which small artillery tanks shoot projectile shells at each other across the TFT display screen. The game board consists of a randomly…
  112. Voice Controlled Dino Game
    Introduction We have all been in a situation where we didnā€™t have access to the internet and to pass time we started playing the Google Dino game. However, the game…
  113. PIC32 Realtime Network Audio
    Supported Browser For optimal experience with the equations, please use a browser that can render MathML, such as Firefox or Safari. Chromium-based browsers apparently do not support MathML. Introduction This…
  114. Co-op Virtual Reality Maze: ECE 4760
    Introduction Our project is a collaborative game in which two people work together on different devices to navigate a maze, one on the PIC and the other on a VR…
  115. Karaoke Robot Judge
    Introduction Karaoke Robot Judge is a karoke machine with a robot Simon Cowell as a judge. For this project, we designed a karaoke machine on the PIC32 with a robot…
  116. ECE 4760: Final Project Report
    Introduction For our final project we made a digital vocoder, which could be accomplished over this semesterā€™s remote desktop environment. A vocoder is a synthesizer that generates sounds which are…
  117. 4760 Final Project: Spy Robot
    Introduction For our final project, we created a spy robot: a robot that uses remote radar sensing to detect intruders. The physical system consisted of the servo setup we had…
  118. High Bandwidth Low Latency Communication with SPI Devices Controlled by PIC32
    Introduction The purpose of this project is to implement high bandwidth low latency SPI communication between the PIC32 and a target module, which in this case is theĀ OV7670Ā camera. The solution…
  119. Rubot
    Introduction Almost everybody has used a rubik's cube puzzle before, whether they are picking up the cube for the first time, looking up the solution algorithms, or playing around with…
  120. CAT BOT
    Introduction Cat Bot, as its name suggests, is a cat robot that sees and follows around a cat toy, simulating actions of real cats. We have decided on this project…
  121. LED Amusement Park
    Overview Our project consists of a 2m DotStar LED strip with 120 individually addressable LEDs and seven accelerometers with the Big Board to depict three different rides that are typically…
  122. PIC32 DMA Graphics with Single Frame Buffer ECE 4760 Final Project
    Introduction For our final project, we created two demonstrations utilizing direct memory access (DMA) in a graphics setting. Our original intent was to implement the video game DOOM on the…
  123. Boids, Predators, Joysticks, and Friends
    Introduction For our final project, we made a video game in which the player controls a predator and gains points by eating boids. The video game ended up having three…
    For our project, we designed and built a remote control tank, which uses a modified motorized nerf gun as its firing mechanism, an ultrasonic sensor in order to sense objects…
  125. One Pedal To Rule Them All
    Introduction Audio effects are used in nearly every recorded and live song across genres, whether its reverb being added to a vocalist or noise being filtered from a drum track.…
  126. ECE 4760 Final Project: TKButtons
    Introduction Fighting games are rising in popularity around the globe. However, a consistent barrier to new player entry has been the difficulty of the inputs. Rather than pressing a single…
    INTRODUCTIONBOIDS Our project leverages two potentiometers to create an ā€œetch-a-sketchā€ type interactive device and arcade game collection. We wanted to create a fun game that uses much of what we…
    Introduction Our project is a spatial audio map of Collegetown that allows the user to use a joystick to virtually travel around the Collegetown crossing area and hear surrounding, directional…
  129. Two-Player Boids Game With Laser Pointer Controllers
    Introduction We have created a game based on the principles of the boids algorithm introduced in Lab 2. The game involves two players standing in front of a projector screen…
  130. CSCI 255 ā€” Introduction to MIPS32 Assembly
    In this lab we are going to use MPLABĀ® X IDE and its associate XC32 compiler to write and debug a PIC32 assembler program. The MPLAB X software is NetBeans based and…
  131. Assembly Instructions for the ĀµMD1 using the Digilent chipKit DP32
    Assembly using the chipKIT DP32 Board Unless you dug up a dusty chipKit DP32 in the back of one of your electronics junk drawers (or I unloaded the last one…
  132. Ethernet Controller and Microcontroller Research
    The independent studies research with Dr. Karl Gugel during the fall semester of 2010 involved experimenting with built-in and separate Ethernet controller devices. The goal of this project was to…
  133. Bluetooth-Controlled Guitar FX Amplifier
    As part of our final project for ECE 4760: Digital Systems Design Using Microcontrollers, we built a guitar amplifier with remote distortion and digital effects capabilities controlled from a smartphone…
  134. Using the PIC32MX250F128B as a USB Host to Interface With Mass Storage Devices
    Introduction This project was done in order to allow a PIC32MX250F128B to act as a host to a USBmass storage device. This would allow for a USB flash drive to…
  135. Programming HID Bootloader on PIC32
    The bootloader is used to install programs on the PIC32 without using an external programmer like an ICD2 and does not require any drivers on the computer. The PC software…
  136. Beginners Guide to Debugging in MPLABX Using ChipKIT PRO MX7 by DIGILENT
    This Instructable is a beginners guide to debugging code programed in the MPLAB X IDE v2.0. The steps covered are common application's of the debugger software and problems I encountered…
  137. Debouncing Interrupts With MPIDE Part 2: RC Filters
    Hey guys! You ready for the second part of my debouncing series? "But Jay!" I can hear you asking, "I didn't know there was a first!" Or maybe you said…
  138. Lab Test Bench-oscilloscope/waveform
    Lab test bench For electrical engineering classes, basic lab equipment such as oscilloscopes and signal generators usually cost hundreds of dollars. In this project I want to implement the hardware…
  139. Debouncing Interrupts With MPIDE Part 1: Brute Force
    It's about time isn't it? Welcome back! If you've been following my I'bles up to this point, I've shown you two different ways to set up interrupts in MPIDE usingĀ attachInterrupt()Ā andĀ setIntVector().…
  140. Building Your Own Micromite Companion Minicomputer
    The Micromite Companion Minicomputer is the next generation in the Pocket Mini Computer series. It is the combination of two Open Source systems, the Micromite software, a PIC32 creation by…
  141. Microcontroller Register Manipulation
    I'm always amazed at the new technology that is constantly coming out that allows hobbyists like myself access to powerful and cheap microcontrollers like the Arduino or chipKIT development boards.…
  142. Programming the PmodOLEDrgb on the ChipKIT Pro MX7
    LED screens are everywhere. Chances are you're using one to read this right now. With the release of Digilent's PmodOLEDrgb, now you can program one yourself! Step 1: Materials For…
  143. ā€‹Bluetooth Controlled- Obstacle Avoidance Robot Car Using PIC32 Microcontroller
    "Robot-Car: Design Fused with Obstacle Avoidance Technology" Recently, there is an intensive research undertaken in the field of intelligence robotics and autonomous mobile robot applications. Through the this project we…
    Spectrum Analyzer application PIC32 series from PIC32MX360F512L performed by imaging the 3.5 TFT LCD (16.7m. Color) 320X240 screen using software Microchip MPLAB C32 compiler prepared with ssd192x driver (SSD1928L Drivers)…
    Nowadays Touch TFT LCD control when a lot of people interested in microcontroller programming first thought the Pic18, Pic24, Pic32, ARM, etc ā€¦ but a little advanced microcontrollers and application…
  146. New Microchip PIC32 Microcontrollers Run at 72MHz
    CHANDLER, Ariz., Nov. 5, 2007 - Microchip Technology today announced the new Microchip PIC32 family of MIPS 32-bit microcontrollers (MCUs). The Microchip PIC32 is based upon the MIPS32 M4K Core,…
  147. NU32: Introduction to the PIC32 using pic-microcontroller
    The Microchip PIC32 is a family of complex and powerful microcontrollers that can be purchased for less than $10 in quantities of one. This microcontroller offers many peripherals useful for…
  148. Uploading Firmware to Your ChipKIT Boards
    There may come a time in your chipKIT explorations when you have to put some new firmware onto your board. Well, fear not. This Instructable will go through how to…
  149. Addressable LEDs (WS2812) on ChipKIT
    There has not been a simple addressable LED library for PIC32 microcontrollers until now! The PICxel library is an MPIDE library that handles the timing required to use addressable LEDs…
  150. How to Install ChipKIT Core
    For those of you with a chipKIT board, I have good news! If you like using the Arduino IDE instead of MPIDE, your dreams have become a reality with chipKIT-core…
  151. Ultrasonic Obstacle-avoiding Robot
    This is my attempt at designing and building an obstacle avoiding robot! RekaBot (named after a fairy (: ) can detect obstacles with an ultrasonic sensor that can move around…
  152. Starting a Project in MPLAB X for ChipKIT Products
    This tutorial comes right after my Installing MPLAB X tutorial, so if you haven't installed MPLAB X and the XC32 compiler, check that one out first. In Arduino, programming a…
  153. PIC32 Multimedia Expansion Board Review Video
    PIC32 Multimedia Expansion Board Review
    Review of the Multimedia Expansion Board for the PIC32 Start Kits from Microchip. In this review I'm going to show the board and it's periphirals, and then I will show…
  154. $15.00 BASIC Computer using PIC32MX1 microcontroller
    $15.00 BASIC Computer? Imagine a microcontroller that you can connect a serial terminal up to to get an ok prompt? What would happen if you changed one of the control…
  155. Execute Open-Source Code in a PIC Microcontroller Using the MPLAB IDE
    The PIC32 single-board computer is a de facto standard tool for developing microcomputer applications within the hobbyist and educational communities. It provides an open-source hardware (OSH) environment based on a…
  156. j. ICSP Programmer for PIC32 microcontroller family
    PIC32 ICSP Programmer v1.0 is based on a simple PIC32MX270F256B microcontroller basic circuit. It connects to a PC via USB 2.0 port and therefore needs no external power supply. It…
  157. Bluetooth-Controlled Guitar FX Amplifier
    As part of our final project for ECE 4760: Digital Systems Design Using Microcontrollers, we built a guitar amplifier with remote distortion and digital effects capabilities controlled from a smartphone…
  158. Open Source 3.2ā€ TFT Smart Display
    This project is an open source 3.2ā€³ Smart TFT display board. The board is based on a PIC32 and a 3.2ā€² TFT with touchscreen (ILI9320 controller, using 16bits PMP). The…
  159. Rev 4.2.2 schematic and PCB
    A long while back I posted a version of the schematic for the electronics for my project to build a GPS-steered parachute for rocket recovery. Since then Iā€™ve tweaked the…
  160. Mork Microchip PIC32MX ICSP
    Mork is adaptation of Nanu nanu Microchip PIC ICSP for the STM32 based vcc-gnd or Maple mini. Both STM32 boards are inexpensive boards which don't cost much more than the…
  161. Introduction to the PIC32 using pic-microcontroller
    The Microchip PIC32 is a family of complex and powerful microcontrollers that can be purchased for less than $10 in quantities of one. This microcontroller offers many peripherals useful for…
  162. Augustus’s Lab Notebook using pic microcontoller
    Week 01 January 10, 2012 (1 hour): Met as a team after class to discuss preliminary project proposal. January 12, 2012 (2 hours): Met as a team after class to…
  163. One PIC Microcontroller Platform Development Board
    One PIC Microcontroller Platform Development Board   Develop firmware using Microchip's 8/16/32-bit PICĀ® Microcontrollers all on one board! Each device comes preprogrammed with firmware to operate the LCD, LED and…
  164. Self-made development board for the 32-bit PIC32MX220F032B Microcontroller
    Few months ago Microchip introduced smallest, lowest-cost PIC32 microcontrollers ā€“ new PIC32ā€MX1ā€ and PIC32ā€MX2ā€ families. PIC32 MX1 and MX2 MCUs include up to 32 KB of Flash and 8 KB…
  165. The chipKITā„¢ UNO32ā„¢ and MAX32ā„¢ development boards for the Arduinoā„¢ Community
    Microchip Technology Inc., a leading provider of microcontroller, analog and Flash-IP solutions, and Digilent, Inc. announced expanded capabilities for the 32-bit PIC32 microcontroller-based chipKITā„¢ Development Platform for the Arduinoā„¢ community.…
  166. PIC32MX: Interfacing to a Secure Digital (SD) Flash Card
    Original Assignment Do not erase this section! Your assignment is to create code that will allow the PIC32 to read and write data to a FAT32 SD card. The SD…
  167. Andy Robison’s Lab Notebook using pic microcontroller
    Week 01 January 14 (2 hours): Met as a team after class to discuss preliminary project proposal. January 15, 2010 (1 hours): Met as a team to discuss design implementation…